Events agency: Make a success of your event stage design thanks to projection mapping

Event stage design - Cover top

Do you want to offer your clients memorable events? Find the balance between amazement and efficiency for your operation? Succeed in decorating your event without altering the strength of the message? Without a successful event stage design, you will have a hard time reaching your goals! In this article, we explain why and how to improve the scenography of your events through projection mapping.

What is event stage design?

Imagine the behind-the-scenes of a theatrical performance: the creation of the lighting, sound, costumes and sets… You got it? These elements constitute what we call the scenography. More specifically, it’ s all of the elements that participate in creating a mood, an atmosphere. The term scenography originally concerned ballets, operas or plays and has gradually opened up to many fields such as event design. The event stage design includes all the means used to organize and arrange a place according to its nature in order to create an atmosphere during an event.

For example: your client asks you to create a wine event in a castle near Paris. His objective? Promote his new wine and make his grape variety known to Parisian wine shops. His brief: to make the participants forget the local atmosphere and immerse themselves in the wine environment where the product originates to get a maximum of leads. The event stage design includes all the visual, olfactory, auditory and sensory elements that make up the decor of your venue and that work to achieve the objective. It is used to recreate the desired winegrowing atmosphere in a single stroke of a magic wand.

Why is event stage design essential?

Optimize the space in order to emphasize it and ensure the success of the event!

An event must be anticipated and its preparation includes many aspects: budgetary, organizational … but especially practical! In fact, if you have a 3x3m stand and you order a 1x4m buffet, you may find yourself stuck on the big day. 

As each venue is unique, the event stage design will allow identifying beforehand the strengths and weaknesses of the space. It projects the organization of the surface and the distribution of the various elements of decoration (furniture, animations…). It also allows for an audit of the technical configuration elements – equipment of the place and rental elements – on site and to make the necessary adjustments. Thereafter, it will be used to list the elements to be added (purchase or rental).

As you can see, a well thought-out event stage design is a key step to a successful event.

оформление сцены мероприятия

Highlight your customer's brand and product

Just like any communication, the scenography sets a framework and conveys a message. It is therefore essential to ensure that it is well done. To this end, take advantage of the attractions of the event space in order to highlight the place (decoration, layout…) and to display the assets of your brand and your product.

Providing a positive and memorable experience

The goal is to make your guests live an exceptional and unforgettable moment. Give free rein to your imagination, show originality and above all stand out! 

The event is an ephemeral moment, which envelops and accompanies all the communication actions of a brand. By proposing a surprising experience, you will arouse the enthusiasm of the participants, provoke their adhesion (sharing on social networks) and boost your communication!

Indeed, if you succeed in making an impression, your clients’ names will be associated with the experience provided for the participants. Make sure that you create a positive memory so that the echo of this operation is also positive. Your customers will be satisfied and will communicate their gratitude to you.

Hiring a scenographic agency to create your event stage design

The stage designer has an essential role: he boosts your event by proposing a tailor-made offer! Take a good dose of creativity, add a technical mastery, sprinkle the whole with an increased attention to detail and you obtain the main qualities of a good stage designer. Indeed, she/he must have the skills to identify the locations and adapt them to the event. Whatever their size, their layout, their composition, he applies himself to bring out in a creative way the assets of the chosen spaces, while keeping in mind the practical elements. In order to facilitate the organization of your event, save time and energy, scenographic agencies can accompany you on your event projects. These agencies generally have multiple and transversal skills (graphic designer, engineers…) essential to the realization of a good scenography.

The stage design agency transforms all the elements of the event’s decoration into a marketing asset.

Event agency

Guide : the key elements of a successful event stage design

In order to make a success of your event stage design, here are a few steps to follow:

  1. Get help: if your agency does not have in-house stage design skills, get help! Indeed, the work of an event stage designer can bring you real added value and boost the recognition of your client.
  2. Get acquainted with the place: visit it, get a feel of the spaces, features and take measurements if necessary.
  3. Be original with your animations: Once again, a stage design agency will bring you added value. Indeed, it will guide you on the animation elements (projection mapping, hologram, …) that can make the difference with your customers and make the event unique. 
  4. Get the right tools:  To create a spectacular experience, equip yourself with innovative and intuitive tools to create animations. You will be more autonomous, save money and impress your guests!
  5. Stay in sync with all your communication actions : Event stage design is also the opportunity to create an event in coherence with all your communication actions. For that, it is necessary to make use of the graphic guidelines of the brand and to emphasize its visual identity in the components of your scenography (colors, shapes, fonts …). Professionals will be able to guide you correctly.

Now that you are aware of the importance of scenography and the support of experts, let’s focus on some essential elements for an original and successful scenography.

Stage design and event decoration: stand out with projection mapping!

Event stage design does not stop at decorative elements. To spice it up and build a high-end offer for your customers, it is necessary to propose unique and prestigious experiences. How? By creating immersive animations that immerge the visitor in a magical atmosphere.

The current trend, extremely popular with luxury event agencies is projection mapping. Projection mapping? You know it! This animation has become popular thanks to the “Fête des lumières” in Lyon. It consists of visual projections on volumes. This exciting concept has already seduced many creative event agencies and can be integrated into all types of events, including trade shows, corporate conventions, street marketing, product launches, etc. It reinforces and sets apart the offer of agencies that are now – in a highly competitive environment – ranked as luxury event agencies. Projection mapping offers an efficient way to broadcast strong messages, giving brands a digital, innovative and prestigious dimension.

Simple handling of projection mapping with HeavyM software

Although it suggests high-end and technical aspects, проекционное картирование is easily available by your agency thanks to specialized software. 

Indeed, these software allow event agencies to produce prestigious services easily and at a lower cost.

HeavyM for example is a ready-to-use tool that simplifies the production of a projection mapping project. With this software, the design and the reproduction of volumes of your mapping projections are simplified. On the artistic side, the software integrates a huge bank of visuals and offers a multitude of ready-to-use content. The tool is 100% customizable. You can therefore import all of your client’s content elements if you wish.

Another important advantage is that HeavyM software allows you to drastically reduce costs by 46% compared to an average graphic design service.

The tool allows you to manage the projection mapping performance in complete autonomy. A team of professionals is at your disposal to assist you in the use of the tool and the realization of your projection mapping during the phase of planning and layout.

HeavyM: at the heart of projection mapping ... to revolutionize your event decoration!

To illustrate the benefits of projection mapping, here are some examples of successful corporate events made possible by HeavyM software:

Restaurant projection mapping experience – MAD Studio @ HeavyM

The surprising creation of visual animations on tables of a restaurant. An experience that was hailed by customers who experienced a special moment, and went from one universe to another during the meal.

projection mapping HeavyM pour Mercedes – Lancement Classe A @ HeavyM

For the launch of the Mercedes A-Class, the company wanted to offer its employees a customized event. The goal? To guarantee visitors an impactful experience.

The visitor is invited to answer a series of questions on a tablet. They then find themselves immersed in a box with the colors and sounds of a country (Rio – New York – Berlin – Tokyo – Paris). The animations and music are personalized according to the person’s answers. The result is spectacular! To create this personalized interactive box, the company used, in addition to the HeavyM software, 2 Комплекты Ольги – a triangular structure kit marketed by HeavyM – and 3 Full HD ultra-short-throw projectors.

projection mapping HeavyM pour Kenzo au Palais Brongniart @

For Kenzo, Palais Brongniart’s convention stage was dressed with HeavyM software. The program included the design and installation of scenic projection mapping to illustrate the various Kenzo perfume brands. The goal? To highlight the different graphic universes of the brand.

Do you want to make your events unique and memorable to satisfy the clients of your event agency? Don’t look any further, give your guests a magical moment by offering a detonating experience thanks to projection mapping. For more information on our projection mapping offers.