THROWBACK TO 2018 – The Year In Highlights

2018 has been a very successful year for HeavyM, and that on many levels! We managed to achieve technical feats with our software, the team produced successful projections during various events, we made video mapping accessible to new fields, and our community has been more active and creative than ever before. We’ve been so impressed by your projects! Without further ado, here are some of our highlights of the year :

Our software: still easy-to-use, but with new features!

In 2018, we released no less than 4 major updates, all allowing to optimize our software and to make more advanced projects possible.

Our mission has always been to make video mapping more accessible. HeavyM always focuses on bringing features that meet the needs of our community, and we also pay a lot of attention to user feedback.

In 2018, over 15,000 new users got excited about the amazing features of our software and the fact that it is a great blend of performance and ease of use.

Our 1.7 version added more personalization potential thanks to new effect parameters. With 1.8, we made the free version even richer and, with HeavyM 1.9, we introduced a highly-anticipated 翘曲 effect that makes it possible to alter texture, change its form and make it perfectly fit any complex shape.

"(《世界人权宣言》) 1.10 version of the software was released at the end of the year and is 100% dedicated to our community! It comes with 100 new shaders, an Ableton Link integration and the launch of HeavyM Start with two stations per license (just like HeavyM Live). The “Switch To Trial” features make it possible to try out the Live version. Our new license system aims to be more reliable and convenient. If you are a HeavyM customer, you can get your license key by clicking 这里.

复兴2018 - 奥尔加ISE展

Alongside these evolutions, we’ve been working on new tutorials to make it easier for both beginners and more advanced users to learn about our new features in a quick and easy way.

The rise of professional services

The HeavyM team has been using its expertise to help turn innovating projects into reality, and several successful collaborations became major highlights of the year. These include the fields of art installations, stage design, and product launches.

复兴 2018 - Mixmag 安装
在 Mixmag 办公室体验重型视觉效果

In February, the LAB, the London-based stage created by Mixmag magazine that showcases the work of major DJs, has collaborated with HeavyM to design a permanent installation that is both interactive and high-tech. The team provided bespoke services using our Olga kits and integrating the client’s visual identity. We also trained their staff to give them the opportunity to manage the installation themselves and to let their creativity flow. This stage design has been showcased every Friday night and has been admired by thousands of guests!

备忘录展览 - HeavyM 绘图装置

In March, RStyle commissioned an iconic artwork for its MEMO exhibition, which was dedicated to the role that hip-hop music has been playing in society. We created a large-scale sculpture in the shape of an interrogation mark. The sculpture is made of 4 Olga kits (that means 120 equilateral triangles!) that were also used as projection surfaces for bespoke videos. This installation was autonomous and was displayed for 2 months straight. It aimed to catch the attention of the visitors and to give them food for thought. 

In May, Mercedes commissioned HeavyM for the launch of their new A-Class model. Our team designed an interactive experience using 3 projectors and collaborated with Mythologies agency. Before entering our video mapping-themed box, guests had to provide their first name and favorite song and to pick a destination among 5 possibilities. Once inside, their personalized experience could start. For 2 minutes, they were taken somewhere else thanks to an immersive and multi-sensorial experience.

Developing HeavyM-based educational programmes

如今,数字化学习已不仅仅是一种趋势。它促进了探索、协作以及学生对学习过程的直接参与。视频绘图是一种富有创造性和趣味性的学习工具,完全符合当今教育领域的需求和要求。因此,越来越多的学校、学院和大学开始使用 HeavyM!

2018年,多所学校陆续购买HeavyM授权,成功开发以HeavyM为核心的特色课程,在 法国(巴黎蓝天学院、里昂美术学院、尼斯索菲亚数字艺术学院)和 海外例如波尔图的艺术与图像学院、比利时列日的美术学院、加拿大卡尔加里艺术学院、东京的 Live 4 School 学院以及美国费城、匹兹堡或路易斯维尔的几所大学。

在法国,HeavyM 团队为各种学校和文化中心提供了大量培训,如万森多媒体图书馆、巴黎戈贝兰学校、尼姆图书馆、巴黎 EPSAA 平面艺术学校,以及埃斯姆-苏德里亚工程师学校的暑期班。


Some professors have also independently decided to create a bespoke training programme for their students:

埃斯姆-苏德里亚的 HeavyM 工作坊
Fabrice Giraud - 与学生一起参加 HeavyM 工作坊

左侧:罗曼-阿斯图里奇(Romain Astouric),用于工程学院 ESME SUDRIA 的 "创意编程和数字艺术 "课程,详细内容 这里.

右边t:法布里斯-吉罗(Fabrice Giraud),为他在沙泰勒罗 Edouard Branly 高中开展的职业和技术培训项目的学生,详情请见 这里.

HeavyM 社区:规模更大,更加多元化

在世界各地,HeavyM 用户的背景是该软件多种用途的完美例证!

  • 引人注目的舞台设计
VJ P4nick - 舞台设计 VJing
Revival 2018 - Rabbit revolution live set

左侧VJ Panick (巴西)使用该软件为高水平的 VJ 制作内容,并获得最佳效果。 HeavyM 将 Syphon 和 Resolume 配对。

兔子革命 (美国)利用 HeavyM 创造了一个艺术项目。该项目非常成功,已成为永久性装置。

Revival 2018 - CALM live DJ set
Revival 2018 - Lazarus concert performance

左侧Comme à la Maison (法国) 在家中提供现场 DJ 和 VJ 服务,为观众提供使用 HeavyM 设计的视觉体验。

:Pétronille Leroux (法国)的舞台设计中使用了几套奥尔加套件。 拉撒路 现场表演。

  • 创新的艺术装置

杰西-詹姆斯-艾伦 (英国)是一位极富创造力的多媒体艺术家,他将 HeavyM 与其他软件相结合,创造出非凡的互动项目。

  • 奥尔加套件也掀起了波澜!

奥尔加和 HeavyM - Aelion 项目安装
Permanent stage design- Olga kit and HeavyM

Aelion 项目 (意大利) 使用 2 套 Olga 套件为工厂音乐俱乐部设计了一个永久性舞台。今年还将增加 2 套!

Skryptom party - Olga kits installation
Revival 2018 - stage design by Mike Martin

迈克-马丁 (法国他用 8 个奥尔加套件为 Skryptöm Collective 举办的 "En attendant Nördik Impakt "派对制作了一个巨大的戒指。这是一个真正令人印象深刻的独特项目!

要制作自己的奥尔加套件式结构,以下是我们的建议和组装思路:  奥尔加教程.

Ready for 2019 to bring exciting projects!


  • A 新伙伴关系奥图码欧洲、中东和非洲地区排名第一的 DLP® 投影机品牌
  • 2 月 5-8 日:HeavyM 将在 ISE 在阿姆斯特丹举行。这是欧洲最大的视听系统展。欢迎莅临 Optoma 展位(1 号馆 F90),我们很乐意向您展示我们独有的视频映射装置!
  • Mid-February: Be ready for a new update! We’ll be releasing HeavyM 1.11!
  • A message to our community: If you wish to increase the reach of your projects, please do feel free to email us some pictures and a short description. We’ll be happy to share it on our social media pages!