Bring your live Dj sets to light with video mapping

CALM collective helps you get club-level stage design at home!

Live dj sets - CALM - Cover top

How did Calm collective (“Comme à la Maison”, “Just like Home”) start out and which artists are part of it?

It all started out at the UCPA DJ school. We were in the same year group and worked on many projects together over these two years.

After graduating, it was obvious we would end up working together! Each of us had their own skills and network and, even if we did have acquaintances in common, we each ended up specializing in our own field. Mr Tout Le Monde focused on music production, TM关于 graphic design, Astens 关于 video mappingAdrien Bennati 关于 communication and PR.

CALM - live dj sets - heavym

How did you come up with this live DJ/VJ concept?

We conceived a lot of music performances during concerts and festivals and, musical aspects aside, we were always coming back to the visual side. This is how we started imagining concepts that combine music, light and video.

Since we got started fairly recently and we can’t afford to perform ourselves on stage, we came up with several concepts that would allow us to bring our ideas to life at home while offering a unique experience to our audience. By bringing all our skills together (music, production, and live video), we created and designed a stage ourselves… at home! Hence our concept’s name: “Comme à la maison” (“Like at home”).

We currently see our initiative as a way to showcase our skills and to let as many people as possible enjoy them. We use it as our unique selling point if you will.

Our vision is to make this a larger-scale project and to bring our show to other venues during music-related events.


Your DJ sets have a strong focus on video mapping. How did you find out about HeavyM?

Stage design always played a big role during our live performances. We discovered HeavyM in early 2017 during a performance and we immediately thought that this software could make our shows even more unique. Being able to offer interactive decor along with our DJ sets catches people’s eyes. It is intriguing and turns our performances into actual live shows. We see video mapping as a great add-on that helps us increase the attractivity and visibility of Live Calm.

What is your feedback on HeavyM and our Olga Kit?

The software is very intuitive and makes it fast and easy to do video mapping. HeavyM allows us to bring our performances further by letting us play around with shapes and volumes and, most importantly, makes it easy for us to have a complete visual concept.

The Olga kit also allowed us to give our designs more reliefto make a seemingly unremarkable space more interesting.

There was a shift in terms of stage design between the first two Live Calm events and the latest two. Can you tell us more about that?

We had decided to organize our Live Calm events in our living room for a more relaxed atmosphere. We then moved onto the garage for a more underground feel. Using video mapping in such a raw location was super inspiring.

Live Calm 04

For our first two live performances, we solely used HeavyMseveral Olga Kits.  We combined HeavyM with Resolume for our two latest shows. The fact that HeavyM makes it easy to design animations while taking the location into account and the way we used to work on our video mapping shows allowed us to get results we are very proud of.

What would be your advice to young artists who wish to get into video mapping?

The best word of advice we could give to young artists who want to get into video mapping would be to not let a lack of funds hold them back.

As a matter of fact, our first video mapping projection projects used moving boxes and a very small projector!

The Comme à la Maison collective got started in December 2017, so it’s almost been a year! How do you feel about what you’ve accomplished so far and what are your plans for the future?

We released our first track on January 7, 2018, and we want to keep bringing out a track and a live performance every month. We also want to start organizing our first parties next year.

We would also like to upgrade in terms of video mapping and to add audiovisual shows to our portfolio. One of our main goals is to create a show for the 灯光节 in Lyon!

Follow Calm Collective on 在 Facebook 上, Instagram Soundcloud.

It’s now your turn to easily create extraordinary stage designs with HeavyM