Discover How The Olga Kit Is Used By The Community

L'esperienza di Olga - Progetto Petronille

Olga in the hands of our community

The Olga kit of HeavyM is a batch of 30 equilateral triangles, to set all kind of video mapping projection surfaces. Convertible, modular, lightweight and resistant, Olga is fully adapted to the requirements and needs of its users. To illustrate how Olga sublimates projects, we highlight our community with a selection of very successful productions. Whether for Vjing, scenography, home mapping, interior decoration, artistic installations… Discover Olga in the hands of our community!


Visual designer and Parisian performer Tekyes made a home mapping with 1 kit Olga to add images to his live mix, with his own effects and contents. The result : a harmonious combination of geometric patterns and organic shapes that evolve to enthral with the rhythm of music!


Olga kit community - 1 kit
Olga kit - 1 kit installation

Vivere con calma 04

YMCA (Young Multimedia Creators of Angoulême), the association to promote, support and facilitate access to digital audiovisual art in the New Aquitaine area, used 2 kit Olga to animate the 2016 International Comic Strip Festival. Just as a frame structure, the 60 triangles enhance and illuminate the whole visual composition with brio!

Olga kit - bar installation
Jungle effects on Olga kits

Design internship at YMCA, FIBD, Angoulême, January 2016

The artist Pétronille Leroux designed a sculptural work, aerial and dreamlike, with 2 kit Olga for an art exhibition at Galerie 18, Paris. Her work of art, Pyramids Pentagonales Polymorphes, evokes the perception’s distortion of space as A Poetry of Geometry. Olga comes alive with visual effects by anamorphosis, like a window opened to another reality, and arouses admiration, contemplation in the world of contemporary art.

Olga community - 3 kits
HeavyM - interactive services 2

Art mapping of Leroux Petronille, Galerie 18, Paris, November 2016

It’s Pétronille Leroux again who, in collaboration with VJ Christopher Hohenheim Bouts, created a big installation with 7 Olga kits for the scenography of all the concerts for MIRR Festival, 2016. Vjing, video mapping and 3D animation projected on Olgas are totally mesmerizing. A kaleidoscope effect to improve the spectators’ experience!

Stage Design, Petronille Leroux & Christopher Hohenheim Bouts, MIRR Festival Paris, September 2016

The multinational IBM chose Olga to shoot the video “Conquer the Cloud” and saw big with 18 Olga kits ! A monumental installation to symbolize the need to move quickly in an ultra competitive world, to learn how organization can be improved with a hybrid and secure cloud. Giant Olga, background scene to this presentation of experts, is the emblem of these new disruptive means to increase performance and boost innovation.

The diversity of these few examples illustrates the qualities and benefits of the Olga kit to create video mapping projection surfaces of all sizes and shapes, serving everyone’s ideas and projects!

More information about Olga here.