Enhance tape art with projection mapping


From tape as raw material to scenography

The creation of works from tape, called “tape art“, appeared in the early 60s and developed as an alternative to the use of spray paint in the street art scene. Simple to set up, quick to deploy, requiring no special masks or clothing, the technique has gained popularity over the years. 

The strength of tape art? You can do it everywhere! The choice of the possible surface is varied: glass, stones, wood, plastic, aluminum,… . It is a total freedom.

Tape Art - Hong Kong - Converse

Urban tape art by the famous BUFF DISS – http://www.buffdiss.com/

A video mapping on tape art

The Photonic Art Project studio based in Mexico creates light installations for parties, festivals and corporate events. Their mastery of video mapping allows them to design ambitious projects on the country’s largest monuments.

For smaller scale installations, the studio sometimes uses tape art to create original works where the real and the virtual mix, especially for this project.

Made only with tape, the projection surface creates an illusion of depth, enhanced by visual animations tailored to the geometry. To facilitate the placement of the tapes, the artists projected a static image that served as a pattern. The pattern thus allows the tapes to be positioned to the millimeter, ensuring alignment with the video projection.

Creating the tape art installation

In combination with the tape art work, the studio produced specific visual animations. They mix colorful effects using flat lines and movements of light sources creating 3D shadows. The result is a dynamic sequence of immersive abstract visuals.

An accessible project thanks to HeavyM

The management of videos is done directly in HeavyM thanks to the creation of playlists. It is very easy to import various sources and decide how to sequence them, in connection with the built-in effects or sequencer effects. With HeavyM, the Photonic Art Project studio has benefited from a video player optimized for creation, while guaranteeing good performance.


Finally, artists were able to have the freedom to distort their media with a few clicks without having to recalculate a render. HeavyM directly integrates the necessary tools so that no time is wasted in the field. The software allows for pixel-perfect positioning of media in the projection space.


Artists or audiovisual professionals, HeavyM is available in several formulas in order to propose an offer adapted to each of the needs.


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