Graduation ceremony by MadStudio

Classical music comes to life thanks to video mapping

Graduation ceremony - Cover Top

MADスタジオ is a creative agency based in Geneva, Switzerland. It proposes here a projection mapping installation with an ultra-modern rendering for the graduation ceremony of the HES business school. By the way, the projection area is 7m long.

The agency used 5 オルガキット to build an elegant set of discontinuous reliefs on the wall. These elements become interconnected thanks to the projected visuals.
They used both visual effects included in HeavyM but also some videos created specifically for the project. The mix of the two gives a magnificent result.

結局、参加者の感想は異口同音にこうだった。 装飾が好きだった そして 未来的な雰囲気 ビデオマッピングによって作られた。さらに、インスタレーションの前で写真を撮る人も多かった。

Olga kits - projection mapping ceremony
Mad studio mapping on Olga kits
Graduation ceremony by mad studio - Olga kits
Proejction mapping - Olga kits - Blue effects


HeavyMは、以下のビデオマッピングプロジェクトを作成し、簡単に設定することができます。 各種イベントアーティスティックな空間演出、製品発表会、企業イベント、...

For this project, MAD Studio used 5 units of our popular Olga Kits. It’s an easy-to-assemble and easy-to-disassemble kit for 3D projection mapping installations